MegaBoy Launch a Success

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Blue Nova Energy ( Ltd. is proud to celebrate the successful launch of our largest energy solution to date,
the MegaBo y or Intelligent Energy Storage System (iESS)
Held yesterday morning 19 th of February 2020 at Reunert Park in Midrand, Johannesburg, the launch event
saw a successful demonstration of the first implemented iESS installation, as well as a presentation from
BlueNova’s CEO James Verster.
Given the current climate of uncertainty over national energy supply, the affordability, efficiency and local
support for the up to 1MWh energy system, the product is set to make a sure splash in the South African
“The turnout was fantastic, the topic is very real, and today was received with appreciation” BlueNova CEO
James Verster expresses his thanks for the public, business and media attendance at the launch.As the first South African company to provide a locally designed and supported Intelligent Energy Storage
System ( the MegaBoy can be used for backup power, load shifting, peak shaving, as well as allowing
for intelligent preparation for load shedding.
The 6m containerized system ’s flexibility brings an advantage over competitors in that it can be charged through many sources including the national grid, solar and wind power and it offers an intelligent algorithm mode to ensure smooth transition through load shedding events.
With the energy storage sector at over $150 billion worldwide and growing rapidly on the continent, BlueNova
in partnership with the Reunert Group is set to make strong strides over the next few years and lead the field
in the South African and African markets.
Should you have any questions or en queries please contact Anr é Swart at 021 205 2000 or via email at
anr s