The 10th Tru-Cape Packhouse Challenge returns to the Grabouw Country Club.

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The largest timed race in the apple and pear industry is the Tru-Cape Packhouse Challenge and this year the event returns to the Grabouw Country Club on Saturday, August 24, 2019.
Last year, Grabouw-based Fruitways won the ninth Tru-Cape Packhouse Challenge for the first time with 7269.5 combined kilometres walked or ran. Seven packhouses competed for the Tru-Cape Trophy and 3084 athletes ran/walked a combed 19775.1Km. This year the stakes are especially high as Kromco and Two-a-Day, both former winners of the Tru-Cape Trophy will want it back. And, with the return to the Grabouw Country Club a more picturesque route is promised.
Fruitways CEO, Hein Keulder says: “We can’t wait for 2019 and know that Kromco, Two-a-Day and others will be out to take our trophy. The challenge is on!”
Tru-Cape managing director Roelf Pienaar says that with so many pressures currently facing agriculture it is wonderful to be able to celebrate and compete in such a friendly way in this event. It is especially good to note so many in the grower and packhouse community are behind this event.”Hosted by Elgin Grabouw Athletic Club (EGA), Two-a-Day staff member and one of the race organisers, Petra van Rensburg says that a return to the Grabouw Country Club also means a return to the much loved Eikenhof Dam and surrounding mountains. “We are excited to be back at this venue and know 2019 will again be the biggest event we have had.” she says.
EGA is part of Boland Athletics and Athletics South Africa rules apply. The 21,1km race begins at 07h30 while the 10km trail run starts at 10am and the 5km family fun run begins at 11.30am.
The King of the Mountain medal is available to those who complete all three races before 12 noon.
Aside from the coveted Tru-Cape trophy for the winning packhouse, there are cash prizes to be won.
Online entires close on August 20 but late entries on race day are also permitted, albeit it at a higher entry cost.
To enter visit or
Photo captions: Tru-Cape managing director Roelf Pienaar with Amelia Vanderleij and Tru-Cape Quality Manager, Henk Griessel.
The happy faces of supporters in the Tru-Cape Packhouse Challenge.